
 Saint John XXIII Parish

Tamaqua, PA

About Us

Mass Times



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Loving God with all our minds, hearts and souls

We are a welcoming Catholic community dedicated to loving God with all our minds, hearts and souls..

We seek to announce the Good News and unite the Lost, Unchurched and Church Families, as Jesus commands us as His disciples. 

OUR VISION:  Making church matter by growing disciples among disconnected Catholics in Tamaqua and the surrounding areas.

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 3:30pm

Sunday: 8:30am

​Daily Mass:

Monday & Tuesday: 8:00am


Tuesday: 8:30am-9:00am

Saturday: 2:45am-3:15pm

Eucharist Adoration / Holy Hour:

Tuesday 8:30am-9:30am

Church Hours:

Monday & Tuesday: 7:30am-4:00pm

Wednesday & Thurs: 9:00am-4:00pm

Closed Friday

Parish Office Hours:

Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs: 9:00am-3:00pm

Closed Friday


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Upcoming Events

  • 1st DAY of every month -- ROSARY for Peace

    The Monthly Prayer for Peace Rosary will be held on the 1st day of every month at 5:30 PM.  

    Recognizing that with God all things are possible we gather to pray the Rosary seeking the intercession of Mary to bring peace to our world, nation, state, communities, schools, parishes, families, and in our homes.  

    Prayer begins in front of the statue of Mary in our parking lot promptly at 5:30 PM - please arrive a few minutes early.  

    All are invited!  Questions may be directed to Jane Grier at 570-640-7514

  • JAN - FEB --- Adult Small Group "The CHOSEN season 3"

    Adult Small Group is open discussions in a friendly, non-threatening small group setting where we explore books, homilies, or videos and relate them to our own lives, using them as a model for us to grow and tackle life's problems.  The groups encourage personal relationships with each other and with God.

    TV Series "The Chosen"

    The Chosen shows plausible scenarios of what life might have been like for the apostles following Jesus.  Come to our small group to join in the experience of the apostles and relate their experiences to our own, in our life difficulties.


    8 weeks on Tuesdays - starting OCT 1 through NOV 21

    10:00 AM-12:00 PM in the Parish Hall

    PREREQUESIT:  Seasons 1 & 2

    Sign up HERE or contact Cheryl at 484-866-3835

    For more information, go to the ADULT FORMATION page (under the PARISH LIFE tab)

    If you have not seen Seasons 1 & 2 but would like to, contact Cheryl at the number above.

  • SEP 16 --- National Day of Remembrance - Memorial for Aborted Children

    A memorial service to pray for all the victims of abortion and to remember the children lost through abortion.  

    The service takes place at 1:00 in St. Jerome (New) Cemetery  near the Tamaqua Elementary School - the Rosary is prayed after the service.  

    Click for more information

    Click here for DIRECTIONS

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