St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
All the latest in one spot
Check out upcoming news, ongoing news, and ways to prepare for feast days
View the upcoming events in our parish with short explanations of each event
View the parish event calendar and see the normal yearly activities that go on in the parish
See the upcoming Adult Small Group topics and the dates & times they are offered
Augustine Institute Audio CDs featured for this month
Help us to pray the Novena for the month. You can find the Novena here
FInd information about the progress about our Memorial Prayer Garden
Find information about memorial bricks and how to purchase one for our memorial garden
Learn about the current fundraisers in our parish and how to get involved
There is healing after abortion
(866) 3RACHEL
"Neither do I condemn you"
SJ23 Cherish Life --- Funerals --- Cemeteries --- Prayer Requests --- Memorialize a Loved One --- Staff --- Departments