St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
Making church matter by growing disciples among disconnected Catholics in Tamaqua and the surrounding areas.
Saint John XXIII Parish is a Catholic Community dedicated to loving God with all our minds, hearts and souls. We seek to announce the Good News and unite the Lost, Unchurched and Church Families, as Jesus commands us as His disciples.
We believe in Orthodox Christianity, as taught by the Roman Catholic Church. The Eucharistic celebration is the source and summit of our faith which we seek to live and serve with the whole of our lives in vibrant and creative ways. Excellence in our worship honors God. - We value excellence
We believe that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Through prayer, we heed God’s command to share his name with the world. We look for the opportunity to invite disconnected Catholics to join us. As a church we want insiders to welcome outsiders. - We value growth.
We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. Our preaching and messages strive to break open the relevance of the Bible for our daily lives. Changing and growing into the likeness of Christ is not just greater knowledge of our faith, but doing what God’s Word says. - We value life-change.
We believe that the Holy Spirit has prepared works for us to do that will advance the kingdom of God. We recognize God’s call on our church to serve both within our parish and beyond. In the service of the Lord we can always do more. - We value that challenge.
We believe only God is perfect. We believe our shortcomings and failure to follow God’s plan for us happens to the best of us and effects our relationship with God and others. By going to confession at least once a year, we receive God’s grace and grow in our relationship with God and others. Humility of spirit honors God. - We value humility.
We believe that our Baptism makes us one family in which we learn to love one another as Christ loved us. We strive to build a church culture through Small Groups where people are open and authentic, especially about their need to grow and change. - We value doing life together.
We believe each individual person has unique God-given gifts and talents and a unique role to play in our Parish and Community. - We value YOU!
(570) 225-7410
Mass Ministry/Events Coordinator
(570) 225-7425
Business Manager
(570) 225-7411
Director of Music
(570) 668-1211
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There is healing after abortion
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"Neither do I condemn you"
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