St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
Engage in Daily Prayer
There are many ways to deepen your prayer life. Engaging in daily prayer consistently makes a big difference, even if just few a few minutes a day to start. This can be done through common prayers, Novenas, Chaplets, the Rosary, Psalms, or just including God in your life. Use prayer to give praise to God, give gratitude, offer penance, request help for yourself or others, acknowledge HIs presence, or just talk.
Allow God to talk to you
Take time to sit and allow God to talk to you. This can be done in many ways. Reading daily Scripture is an important way - you can learn about who God is through His words and allow Him to speak. This can be through reading Bible passages or Liturgy of the Hours, keeping yourself open to hear any messages from Him. There are others ways God speaks to us when we allow ourselves to be quiet and listen, especially during Eucharistic Adoration, and even while admiring nature.
A Lifelong Learner
A big part of being a disciple is being a lifelong learner. This means to never stop learning; never stop feeding your soul with the things that are going to bring you closer to God, deepen your understanding of Him, and fill you with the knowledge you need to combat the temptations of the world and our culture's misdirection.
In giving you shall receive
Challenge yourself to take steps to serve God through serving the parish and the community. When we give with the right intentions, we receive graces and grow in spiritual maturity, becoming more of the person that God has designed us to be. Visit the Outreach page for ways to serve the community.
By engulfing in Scripture, prayer, and community, we are able to stay in the spirit of God .
TV series depicting the life of Christ through the eyes of the Apostles. This is also available as an app for cell phones.
St. Paul Street Evangelization
Working with God for the salvation of souls. Don't be intimidated by the concept. This is conversation about Jesus with those who want to hear it.
There is healing after abortion
(866) 3RACHEL
"Neither do I condemn you"
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