St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
What exactly is "Pro-Life" ?
Pro-Life means more than abortion . . . .
. . . . it is everything that supports life
Our culture
refers to Pro-Life as abortion issues. But Pro-Life is much more - it is everything that supports and contributes to a
Culture of Life.
What are examples of a culture of life?
This can be summed up with everything that brings dignity to every human being from conception to natural death and care of God's creation, everything that supports our well-being and our soul. --------
Catholic Social Teaching
Life and Dignity of the Human Person
The Dignity of Work & Workers' Rights
Rights & Responsibilities
Family, Community & Participation
Option for the Poor & Vulnerable
Care for God's Creation
There is help available to listen to your situation, to provide resources, and to walk with you.
Contact one of the Pregnancy Centers
on the right OR our Parish Pro-Life group:
You are loved! You can heal!
There is help for you to rebuild a life broken by abortion - "Neither do I condemn you."
Contact the places on the left
OR our Parish Pro-Life group:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text PA to 741741
Learn more about Culture of LIfe.
Learn more about our Pro-Life group, events, and ways to help.
You are not alone. Explore ways that you can heal.
There is healing after abortion
(866) 3RACHEL
"Neither do I condemn you"
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