St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
You can use the form below to type your miscarriage story. It may take a little time for us to review your story and publish on our healing page, but we will address it as soon as we can. If you feel overwhelmed with your grief, or are having a difficult time, there are support bereavement groups in our parish and in surrounding parishes that may help you. You can let us know in this form and we will contact you with information.
Thank you! Your story is important, and we will address your information shortly. Your bravery in sharing your story is wonderful.
You will receive a confirmation in the next several days. God bless!
Please be patient while we review your story - we will contact you if we have any questions. Once we have reviewed your story, we will post on the page.
There is healing after abortion
(866) 3RACHEL
"Neither do I condemn you"
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