St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
BOOK DISCUSSION based on Matthew Kelly's book. In this book, he talks about how we resist happiness in our lives. He discusses ways that we can combat out old habits that prevent us from being happy.
BOOK DISCUSSION, using Matthew Kelly's book. Rediscover Jesus is a profound invitation to seek deeply personal answers to our deeply personal questions.
HOMILY SERIES: In this group we discuss aspect of hope, from Father John's homily message series
HOMILY SERIES: In this message series from Father John, he talks about next steps to a better and more successful life. Even if you think your life is OK the way it is, it can always get better.
HOMILY SERIES: In this series, Father John lays out what is necessary to receive blessings from God, what the blessings really are, AND what life can really be like when we live IN God’s blessings.
HOMILY SERIES: In this series, Father introduces four of the five keys of the Unbound model of becoming free from the things that tie us up.
HOMILY SERIES: In this series, Father John delves into discussing the Blessed Mother.
HOMILY SERIES: Father explains ways that we can get through these culture wars that are raging all around us
HOMILY SERIES: Father discusses the worries, doubts, and anxieties that affect us in our lives
HOMILY SERIES: This homily message series is about accepting the kingdom of God as a reality here, and do what Jesus commands of us whether we are ready for it or not
HOMILY SERIES: This series touches on the changes that the pandemic is bringing and approach things from a different mindset.
There is healing after abortion
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"Neither do I condemn you"
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