St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
Persistent prayer brings amazing grace, grace that we need to live each day. God’s power is released into human lives through this channel of grace – helping us in our weaknesses and in combatting the spiritual warfare in our lives and the lives of those around us.
Prayer Teams allow us to participate closely with God to intercede for others in need and bring God's graces to us all.
These teams mainly work behind the scenes or from home in your own time. Certain teams are done in groups, some in a public place.
Pray the Rosary in various settings and for various purposes
Rosary Teams pray the Rosary in several different settings – Join in as you are able, to whichever setting(s) you feel called. Usual duration is about 30 minutes – and you can pray from home if you are not able to make it at a particular time.
Pray the Novenas for various intentions
Novenas are normally prayed once a month in a group together, either at the church or at a specified location, or can be prayed from home – usual duration is 45 minutes to an hour. There are also special Novenas that are prayed at certain Liturgical seasons or for special circumstances.
Praying for specific intentions for others or for events
Intercessor Teams pray in various ways, either daily or at specified times for parish events, specific causes, intensions for others, etc, and can take anywhere from 2 minutes to however long you are able. These are normally prayed from home at your own convenience, and usually in your own way.
Praying for the well-being and holiness of a particular parish clergy, as part of an Apostolate.
Seven Sisters Teams dedicate an hour per week to pray a Holy Hour of prayers for the specific purpose of a certain parish priest, bishop, retired priest, etc in a groups of seven – each group prays for its own specific clergy. You would pray on the same day each week, at a time convenient to you.
Participate in some form of fasting, in conjunction with Seven Sisters prayers, for a particular clergy of a parish or diocese
Fasting Brothers dedicate one day per week in some type of fasting of the individual’s choice for the clergy member chosen for their particular group.
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