St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
This garden is the perfect opportunity to come together, work together, and develop relationships as we sacrifice a bit of our time and share our talents and ourselves in this common goal to bring God's beauty to life in our cemetery. Working together in building this garden for God, with the intention of glorifying God, is an act of worship.
It's not all about the finished task, but also about what we build in ourselves in getting there.
We began this garden with a vision to bring all of God's creation
into this one place, either physically or symbolically, to honor Him
. . hills . . mountains . . valleys . . woods . . fields . . waterfalls . .
The vision includes bringing a piece of each of you into the garden also,
so that all of His children in this parish are represented here as well.
There are many ways to do that . . . . .
(See below for a breakdown of each section needs)
Have a permanent remembrance for your loved ones here in the garden, where you can visit and reflect.
You can sponsor the following in memory of your loved ones . . . . Engraved bricks & benches - Other benches - Shrubs - Wildflower sections - Statues - other Garden Items
Money can be donated for specific areas or items, or just as a general donation for what is needed.
Supplies or items can also be donated - maybe you have extras from a project you had worked on, or you would like to contribute something that has special meaning --- bricks, chimes, lumber, statuette, etc.
See below for each section's needs
Everyone's experiences and ideas are valuable, and when put together can create a beautiful, meaningful environment that can help others. We would love to try to incorporate your experiences and ideas into the garden to create a versatile environment to reach all.
We are looking for people who have woodworking and crafting skills to help us make some of the items for the garden. You can make one of the items, or make it a family project, to add a piece of yourselves to the garden.
Volunteer some of your time to help with one of the projects of the garden, even if it's just a half hour. You can do this yourself, or make it into a family time together, as a family worship for the glory of God.
Take a few minutes to pray for the garden's progress -
Visit the garden and offer your prayers there. . .
to keep the garden covered in prayer & fruitful
S E C T I O N S 1 & 2
The work on this area is completed. There are still places available to memorialize a loved one.
No items are needed for these areas at this time
No further help is needed to construct these areas at this time
No further funding is needed for these areas at this time
2 Wooden Gazebo Benches
10 Shrubs
Small Angel
Memorial Bricks
S E C T I O N 3
The work on this area is completed. There are still places available to memorialize a loved one and item needed.
No items are needed at this time
No further help is needed to construct these areas at this time
No funds are needed at this time
S E C T I O N 4
The work on this area is completed. There are still places available to memorialize a loved one and items needed.
No items are needed at this time
No further help is needed to construct this area at this time
No funds are needed at this time
2 Concrete 2-ft Benches
Wildflower Sections
2 Angel Statues
S E C T I O N 5
The work on this area is beginning. There are places available to memorialize a loved one; items and help needed.
Various planters / urns
Landscape edging
Gravel for path
Concrete or Wooden Benches
S E C T I O N 6
This area has begun. There are places available to memorialize a loved one, items needed, and help needed.
(4) 4-ft Wood/Concrete Benches
(2) Large Shrubs
Lion with lamb statue
$1200 shrubs & benches
$150-250 Lion with lamb statue
4 Wooden/concrete Benches
2 large Shrubs
Lion with lamb statue
S E C T I O N 7
The work on this area has not started. There are places available to memorialize a loved one; items, ideas, help, crafting needed.
Personal Inspiring Bible Passages
Crafting help
Planting Shrubs
Finding Supplies/items
S E C T I O N 8
The work on this area has not started. There are places available to memorialize a loved one; crafting, woodworking, ideas, and help needed.
Making Bench
Making "floor deck" under bench
Crafting the Rosary Inscriptions
S E C T I O N 9
The work on this area is started. There are still places available to memorialize a loved one, items needed, ideas and help needed.
6 Large Shrubs
3-4 ft St. Michael statue
3-4 ft St. John the Baptist statue
3-4 ft St. Francis statue
Outdoor Brochure Holders
Benches / Seats
Shrubs (14 available so far)
Memorial Bricks
S E C T I O N 1 0
This area is still in early stages of planning. There will be places to memorialize loved ones, and help needed with planning, crafting, landscaping, and ideas.
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Items and help is needed for the upkeep, maintenance, and needs of the garden
Soil Acid Increaser
Mulch replacement
2B Stone replacement
Wood Stain/Protectant
Minimal pruning
Occasional minimal weeding
Refill Fountains with water
Spring & Fall work
--- mulch replace, leaf clean-up
Help with staining wood
$150/yr -- water service
$15/yr -- Acid Increaser
$50/yr -- Wood stain/protectant
$20/yr -- Mulch Replacing
Yearly contribution for upkeep
Thank You
to all who have donated or contributed to our garden!
There is healing after abortion
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"Neither do I condemn you"
SJ23 Cherish Life --- Funerals --- Cemeteries --- Prayer Requests --- Memorialize a Loved One --- Staff --- Departments