St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
The greeting and authentic care make all the difference in helping to make parishioners and guests feel welcome as they arrive. Socialization builds relationships, which is important in a Parish to strengthen the Parish, promote family, and build God’s kingdom. These deep relationships enable parishioners and guests to have a sense of belonging and comfort.
Hospitality teams create a comfortable and welcoming environment that brings a sense of belonging to all.
These teams interact with others in various aspects, usually upon first arrival of a parishioner or guest. The Café Team encourages socialization after Mass or during events.
Keep the parking lot safe
Guide parishioners & guests in parking efficiently
The Parking Team serves before and after Masses or special events – usually for about 40 minutes before and 10-20 minutes after.
Occasionally, parking is needed before or after special events
Welcoming people on arriving & leaving
Offering church bulletins & direction
Welcoming begins before Mass – usually for about 30-40 minutes before the start time and for about 5 minutes at the end..
Occasionally needed for special events
Greeting & assisting people as they enter the seating area
Maintaining reverent environment
Ushers begin serving before Mass – usually starting about 30 minutes beforehand - and continue to attend to needs during Mass, including preparing the collection for the Presentation to the altar.
Attending to the cafe after Mass
Encouraging conversation and socialization
The Café Team spends about 20-30 minutes before and after an Mass to set up refreshments and clean up, and encourages socialization during Café times after Mass.
Occasionally needed for special events.
There is healing after abortion
(866) 3RACHEL
"Neither do I condemn you"
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