St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
Cleanliness, orderliness, and beauty are vital to creating a relaxing environment where people feel comfortable worshipping. The love and care that goes into maintaining the environment is consistent with good stewardship and service to God.
Environment teams keep our church, hall, and surroundings clean, beautiful and decorated, with everything in its proper place and supplies replenished – also help to prepare for parish events.
These teams mainly work behind the scenes. The TLC team works after Masses and may also work before, during, and after events.
Routine cleaning of the church & hall
Cleaning to prepare for special events
Routine cleaning is normally done once a month after morning Mass and can take about 2-3 hours – the more ministers available, the quicker the cleaning.
Occasionally, cleaning is needed before or after special events
Tidying up after Masses
Occasional tidying during and after events
Tidying up is done after each Mass and takes about 5-10 minutes – this consists of general straightening up and making sure the environment is safe (spills, things on floor, etc.).
Occasionally, TLC is needed for special events, for preparing, tidying and restocking during event, or tidying up afterward.
Setting up & removing decorations
Occasional setting up & breaking down areas for parish events
Decorating time varies, depending on the occasion and number of ministers – usually takes about 2-4 hours for setting up and for removing. You decide what you are able to do timewise and task-wise.
Spring clean-up
Maintaining the church grounds
Removing foliage for the off-season
Landscaping is done in the Spring, Fall, and maintaining the area through the year to the areas around the church. Spring and Fall can take about 2-4 hours, depending on the amount of people. Maintenance work is just about 5-15 minutes as needed.
There is healing after abortion
(866) 3RACHEL
"Neither do I condemn you"
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