St. John XXIII Parish
in the Diocese of Allentown
The finished garden will be 180 ft. x 106 ft. at the top of St. Jerome New Cemetery, Tamaqua
The prayer garden will initially consist of 5 sections, connected by paths
SECTION 1: The Memorial for the Unborn
SECTION 2: Gazebo
SECTION 3: Angel Wildflower Reflection Circle
SECTION 4: At the Cross Sitting Area
SECTION 5: St. Joseph Prayer Corner
This garden was inspired by personal experience with prayer gardens and prayer.
We are so excited to bring this Garden Memorial to our communities.
How can you help with the garden?
This garden is the perfect opportunity to come together, work together, and develop relationships as we sacrifice a bit of our time and share our talents and ourselves in this common goal to bring God's beauty to life in our cemetery.
It's not all about the finished task, but also about what we build in ourselves in getting there.
Choose between 3 sizes of bricks or benches
Free Engraving
Add an emblem to personalize
Choose from varieties in the prayer garden
A plant marker will display your loved one's name
Your loved one's name will be listed on the website
100% of contributions goes toward the garden
Manpower is also greatly needed!
Supplies are also accepted with gratitude
Planning began and the area was chosen.
Consulted with Landscaping companies to put into place the design and theme for the garden
The footer for the memorial stone for aborted children was poured
Purchased 2 angel statues for the garden entrance
The old blessed altar pieces from St. Jerome's Church were buried at the site for the memorial stone for aborted children
Our Memorial for the Unborn was delivered.
Arrival and temporary placement of bench
1st set of donor bricks arrived and temporarily placed
Delivery of the Blessed Mother statue. The surrounding ground is being dug out to prepare for the garden.
Landscaping progress and shrubs planted, area leveled for gazebo and footers poured for posts
Gazebo built and stained
Front view close-up
Thank You
to all who have donated or contributed to our garden!
There is healing after abortion
(866) 3RACHEL
"Neither do I condemn you"
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